Can you feel it?

Can you feel it?

Can you feel it way deep in your heart?

Can you feel it way deep in your soul?

It is there!

It is always there from our very first breath to our very last breath!

It is the flame of life, of hope, of love—and as long as we are alive it flickers within us as this most beautiful life force energy!

How do I know this?

Because I have seen it. I have seen it flickering in moments of doubt, fear, disbelief, guilt, and shame, AND I have also seen it glow brightly in those who have allowed themselves to BE with that flicker, recognizing it as part of a bigger flame—a Huge Flame of pure light and pure love that is the Source of All Light and Love!

When I have seen it burning brightest was only after my eyes had seen things that I wish they had never seen: watching my Dad curled up in a ball of sickness after receiving chemotherapy week after week after week; witnessing my Mom have a huge needle stuck into her back to suck out liters of the nasty fluid that had formed around her lungs time after time after time; and staring at my husband John hooked up to ten different machines doing something to "help" every part of his body yet causing him to hallucinate day after day after day. It was enough to take my flame down to a smoldering wick, and I hate to admit it, but there were days that I wished all of our flames could just be extinguished so we could be done with "this" life and move on to a "better" life.

What I actually learned, though, was a very valuable lesson about life from my Dad and Mom and John. As they worsened in their bodies, they actually started softening and surrendering their hearts which allowed a light to shine from them that I had never seen before. It was a gentle but powerful light! It glowed with so much love and even peace amidst their days of suffering. It freed their hearts from their perceived guilt, fears, shame, mistakes, and vulnerabilities and actually lifted them into love, forgiveness, strength, calm, and even purpose and joy even as they lay dying.

Watching this beautiful light flicker in them helped to spark what was left of my light and helped my heart to see with new eyes more clearly in this new light. This started to light up my whole soul and helped me to see how truly important the flame of life is within each person including ourselves! Once we really connect to this light burning inside of us, no matter if it is the first day of our life or the last, then each breath, each heartbeat, each flicker matters and is what truly connects us infinitely!

So feel your flame—even if you have to go deep! It is well worth the journey! Look for it flickering inside yourself and then look for it inside of every single person you see! Once we start recognizing this flame in ourselves and others, the flames naturally come together and the light spreads through the dark spots in our hearts and cuts through the darkness in the world. And the light grows brighter and brighter and brighter!

Ahhh—and then we can see beauty—hope—new life—peace—joy!! And then we get to dance in deep gratitude and appreciation for this most precious gift of life!!

Much love and light from Susan Peters




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