
Musings for the first Friday of 2024 ---

I am envisioning the year ahead like a 1,000 piece puzzle. I am already adding one piece at time by making connections with people, ideas, my heart, my writing, and new creations, and I want to continue adding more connections to create something beautiful by the end of the year! Some of the pieces will be easy to see and connect and some will be more challenging and will test my patience and perspectives, but I am excited to see what comes of it all because I won't have a picture on a box to follow. I will have to trust the unknown and allow the picture to get clearer as I create!! I am looking at it like an adventure that will be unfolding with a beautiful reveal as time flows on!!

What are your thoughts? How can you be part of the connection to the whole picture that is forming? None of us know what the picture will look like at the end of 2024 but we all can contribute to the creation of something beautiful if we patiently connect the pieces we have to offer in the spaces we are called to be in! Keep checking to see where your piece might be just the right fit!! ~Susan Peters




Can you feel it?