Can love really change the world?

Can love really change the world?

I say it can.

But the world needs us all to try a little bit harder every day to make that love become more and more real. We each have to step a little bit out of our own comfort zones to see each other and ourselves with more loving eyes and treat each other with a little more love -- pausing -- to stop and think with our hearts when necessary so that our words and actions will be ones that spread love in whatever spaces we are moving through in our day. Take a little bit of extra time throughout the day to smile at yourself in the mirror and to send love to your own being so that love will follow you throughout the day as you smile to others and show them love through kind actions.

Look around you and be inspired by what makes you realize that you are loved. I saw the tree I posted here that looks like a heart, and it made me smile and feel loved as I went on my walk. It's the simple things that pop up throughout our day that can make the biggest difference if we keep our heart eyes open to seeing them!

Our world needs so much love right now, and the only ones who can create that love are you and me. We all have the gifts of life and breath, and if each one of us takes the time every day to love ourselves and each other a little bit more and a little bit more and a little bit more, then I know we can change the world. The sun and the moon travel the world every day shining light upon us no matter where we live or who we are. They can be a source of connection for all of us. If we would each take the time to pause and stand in their light for just a little while each day while also sending love out to all those who are standing in that same light, isn't it an amazing thing to picture? For at the same time we are sending love, others will be sending it out for us to receive! What a most beautiful thing to really feel into! We all will have an abundance of love flowing to and through us!!

This is how I see love changing the world!!


Can you feel it?