Ice Reflections

Allowing Transformation

Taking time to pause and ponder while watching the ice on this pond start to melt with the sun shining brightly upon it, really made me think about “Transformation” and what it means for this pond and what it means for me. The pond really has no choice as to what happens to it. It just allows it to happen. When the weather is warmer, it teams with life and movement. When it gets really cold, it freezes and grows still. Although it appears to be lifeless, when the sunlight gets stronger and brighter, it transforms the ice back to its fluid form and restores the beautiful life beneath the surface.

Sometimes the ice of life covers us and slows us down. Unlike the pond, we may or may not choose how that happens to us; however, we can choose to see the gift in having the time to slow down and to just BE STILL for awhile and enter into the dark and quiet sacred space of reflection. This then allows TRANSFORMATION to take place within our hearts, minds, bodies, and souls and allows our light to start getting stronger and brighter. Once this happens, it will melt away anything that holds us, will bring out our true beauty, and will allow new life to flow freely from us.


Reconnecting to The Power of Letting Go
